15 morsomme ting å gjøre i Nashville

15 morsomme ting å gjøre i Nashville

Hvis du er en musikkelsker, er en tur til Nashville absolutt i orden. Kjent som Music City, er hovedstaden i Tennessee en av de morsomste byene å besøke i USA. Det er mange spennende ting å gjøre i Nashville, og vi vil dekke noe av det beste i dette innlegget.

Å oppleve musikkkulturen i byen er selvfølgelig et must. Med mange museer, platebutikker, arenaer og festivaler å velge mellom, kan du enkelt planlegge hele turen i Nashville rundt musikk.

Det er ikke alt det er å gjøre i Nashville. Her kan du også besøke Tennessee Capitol, en kopi av Parthenon og det tidligere hjemmet til en president. Det er mange Nashville -attraksjoner som holder deg opptatt i løpet av dagen før showet starter!

Jeg vet ikke om deg, men jeg planlegger mye av turene mine rundt å spise og drikke.

Nashville knuser det absolutt når det gjelder seier og servering. Enten det er noe brennende varmt kylling eller en god ol ‘sørlige grill, er smakebuksene dine i en godbit her. Byen er også hjemsted for mange bryggerier, vingårder og destillerier når du vil våte fløyta.

Jeg tilbrakte et halvt år på å bo nede i veien i Murfreesboro og har reist til Nashville flere ganger de siste årene. Det er absolutt en av favorittbyene mine og et sted jeg alltid er glad for å komme tilbake til.

Basert på min erfaring der og anbefalingene fra lokale venner, har jeg satt sammen denne solide listen over de beste tingene å gjøre i Nashville.

1. Lytt til live musikk
2. Ta en vandretur
3. Besøk Country Music Hall of Fame
4. Sjekk ut Tennessee State Capitol and Museum
5. Spis varm kylling
6. Utflukt et destilleri
7. Besøk Grand Ole Opry
8. Besøk Ryman Auditorium
9. Sjekk ut Centennial Park
10. Besøk Belle Meade Plantation
11. Besøk Johnny Cash Museum
12. Vandre rundt musikkrekke
13. Jubel for hjemmelaget
14. Gå honky-tonking på Broadway
15. Besøk Andrew Jacksons Hermitage
Bonus! Besøk hjemmet til stjernene
Klar for Nashville?

1. Lytt til live musikk

Naturligvis begynner listen over hva du skal gjøre i Nashville med live musikk. Selv om det er populært for å være “verdens countrymusikkhovedstad”, er det mye mer med musikkscenen i disse dager. På en gitt natt ute er det like sannsynlig at du finner rock-, pop- eller elektroniske show på gang.

Det spiller ingen rolle hvilken natt i uken det er. Det er alltid live musikk som skjer her i Nashville! Byen er hjem til arenaer i alle størrelser som er vert for musikk av alle sjangre. Fra dykkbarer med lokale band som prøver å gjøre det, til arenaer pakket full av forguder fans for populære popsangere, har Nashville alt.

Noen av de beste stedene å fange live musikk i Nashville inkluderer Ryman Auditorium, Ascend Amphitheatre, The Station Inn, The Basement og Marathon Music Works. Som sagt er det musikk hver natt i uken her. Sjekk denne hendelseskalenderen for å se hva som spiller.

Kort på en riktig måte i Nashville?

En av de beste måtene å komme seg rundt på alle tingene du kan gjøre i Nashville når du er kort på en riktig måte, er å bli med på hop-on-hop-off dobbeltdekker. Om bare en time vil du se:

Domstolen for Flags, Nissan Stadium, Parthenon ved Centennial Park, tilbake av statens hovedstad og ned Nedre Broadway. Noen andre severdigheter du vil se inkluderer Country Music Hall of Fame, Vanderbilt University, et livlig bondemarked og Grammy Museum Gallery. Lær mye mer her.

2. Ta en vandretur

Noe av det beste å gjøre i Nashville er å ta en vandretur. Etter min mening er det ingen bedre måte å bli kjent med en by på enn ved å utforske den på egen hånd!

Du har noen forskjellige alternativer for å se Nashville til fots. Hvis du liker en DIY-tilnærming, klikk her for å laste ned en PDF som har to forskjellige ruter for selvstyrte vandrende utflukter i Music City. Begge utflukter begynner på Bridgestone Arena og dekker 20 forskjellige severdigheter. Uansett hvilken du velger, får du en eksepsjonell introduksjon til byen.

Hvis du heller vil velge en guide og en gruppe, kan du sjekke ut gratis utflukter Nashville. De kjører utflukter fra onsdag til søndag både klokka 9 og kl. Den 90 minutter lange ekskursjonen treffer mange høydepunkter i Music City, og du vil også få noen nyttige anbefalinger fra din lokale guide.

3. Besøk Country Music Hall of Fame

Country Music Hall of Fame er absolutt en av de beste attraksjonene i Nashville. Det ligger ideelt sentrum og er en must-see når du sjekker ut musikkbyen.

Det er alltid nye utstillinger knyttet til museet, men deres kjerne permanente utstilling, synger meg hjemme, forteller den komplette historien til countrymusikk.

Før eller etter din visit to the museum, be sure to check out the music City walk of fame Park ideal across the street. It’s a bit of Hollywood in Nashville, with star-studded plaques honoring music legends. 

The museum is open daily from 9 AM-5 PM. general admission tickets cost $25.95 for adults and $15.95 for children ages 6-12. There are also several options for add-ons, such as a excursion of historic studio B and show tickets for the CMA Theater. Click here to book your skip-the-line tickets.

4. Sjekk ut Tennessee State Capitol and Museum

Nashville isn’t just the country music capital of the World. It’s also the capital of the state of Tennessee. As such, you can add a stop at the Tennessee state museum to your list of things to do in Nashville. 

There are several informative exhibits here, ranging from the Civil war and Reconstruction to Tennessee Transforms. The latter covers the modern history of the state beginning after world war II.

Temporary exhibitions are always changing, with current ones on the history of food and the musical heritage of Tennessee. check their web site to read all about what’s on at the moment.

The museum is open from 10 AM-5 PM on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. It stays open until 8 PM on Thursday and is only open from 1-5 on Sunday. best of all, it’s absolutely complimentary to visit! Click here to get directions.

The staff of the museum also uses complimentary guided excursions of the historic state Capitol building. These take place Monday to Friday at 9, 10, 11, 1, 2, and 3. opened back in 1859, it was created by the distinguished architect William Strickland. Tragically, he passed away during construction. as per his wishes, he was buried in the north facade of the building. 

5. Spis varm kylling

There are certain dishes you just have to try when checking out American cities. A slice of pizza in new York, a hot pet dog in Chicago, jambalaya in new Orleans, and hot chicken in Nashville. 

Just a word of alerting for you not familiar with hot chicken — when I say hot, I indicate hot! I’m talking seriously spicy. some of the best places to sample Nashville hot chicken include Prince’s and Hattie B’s.

I need to say I’m partial to the latter. Be careful here, as even ordering the medium can set your taste buds ablaze. If you’re crazy, choose their highest level of heat, which is humorously called “Shut the Cluck Up!” 

There are a few Hattie B’s locations in Nashville, including one ideal near music Row. supplied you don’t overdo it on the spice level, eating hot chicken is absolutely one of the tastiest things to do in Nashville!

Looking for a lot more foodie fun? check out this highly rated food excursion of Nashville and take pleasure in the tasty treats on offer. 

6. Utflukt et destilleri

Just as one need to eat hot chicken when in Nashville, trying some real deal Tennessee whiskey or moonshine is also a necessity. There are plenty of exceptional distilleries that you can visit to sample some fine local booze.

One solid choice is the Corsair Distillery. They actually have two locations in Nashville, both using excursions and tasting rooms. At their headquarters, you can sign up for a 30-minute excursion with five tastings for just $13.

Tours run every day except for Monday. Head to their web site to check out time available times and book your spot.

While it’s not my personal favorite, there’s no doubt that Jack Daniel’s is the most popular Tennessee whiskey. Their distillery is located about an hour and a half outside of Nashville in Lynchburg.

You can sign up for a full-day excursion that includes transportation, so you can take pleasure in all the whiskey you want! 

Other good options in the city include Nashville Craft Distillery and Pennington Distilling Co. 

7. Besøk Grand Ole Opry

A trip to the Grand Ole Opry is absolutely one of the top things to do in Nashville. known as the “home of American music” and “the show that made country music famous,” this is the longest-running radio broadcast in the country. It started back in 1925 as a one-hour “barn dance” and has been an crucial part of the city’s culture ever since.

These days, the show broadcasts from the Grand Ole Opry House. shows take place every Friday and Saturday night, with additional performances on Tuesdays from December to March. 

In addition to catching a show, you can also sign up for a excursion of the Opry. There are daytime backstage excursions as well as post-show backstage tours. Or, just get tickets to the show. check out ticket prices here.

When it pertains to Nashville attractions, it’s hard to top the Grand Ole Opry.  

8. Besøk Ryman Auditorium

For 30 years, the Grand Ole Opry had its home at the historic Ryman Auditorium. When they announced plans to step the Opry to a new home, the auditorium was slated for demolition. A push to save the Ryman began and lasted for several years. While it was successful, the building sat dormant for lots of years and soon began to deteriorate.

Renovations began in 1993 to bring it back to its rightful place as a world-class music venue. things came full circle with the return of the Grand Ole Opry to the Ryman for a benefit show in 1998. These days, the legendary auditorium hosts the Opry shows from November to January.

The Ryman is open daily from 9AM to 4PM. You can take a self-guided excursion for $25.95, or add an extra $5 to go backstage for a short guided excursion as well. Click here to book your tickets online. You can find the Ryman on the map and get directions here.

9. Sjekk ut Centennial Park

In addition to music City, another one of Nashville’s nicknames is “The Athens of the South.” It seems a bit odd until you venture over to Centennial Park, where you’ll find a full-scale replica of the Parthenon. 

Originally a farm, this land has also been the state fairgrounds and a racetrack. It then became the site of the state’s Centennial Exposition in 1897 and transformed into a public park shortly thereafter. The Parthenon replica was originally indicated to be temporary, but over a century later it remains.

In addition to seeing a bit of Greece in middle Tennessee, you can also take pleasure in walking trails, Lake Watauga, a sunken garden, historical monuments, and much more. Click here to get directions.

10. Besøk Belle Meade Plantation

One of the most interesting things to do in Nashville is paying a visit to the Belle Meade Plantation. This historic plantation dates back to 1807, when John Harding purchased the land and a cabin. He soon began to develop a plantation here, which he named Belle Meade — the beautiful Meadow.

Harding relied on slave labor to run his various services here, which included a cotton gin, sawmill, and blacksmith shop. When horse-racing became popular, he added thoroughbred housing and breeding to the list of services.

His kid William Giles Harding eventually inherited the property. He would go on to be very successful in this new venture, expanding the plantation and the crew of slaves.

After the Civil war ended and slavery was banned, some of the former slaves returned to work for pay. but the Panic of 1893 and resulting financial problems led the family to sell the plantation. half a century later, the state of Tennessee purchased it and transformed it into a museum.

The Belle Meade Plantation is open from Thursday to Tuesday from 9AM to 5PM. excursions cost $24 for adults during the week and $28 on the weekend. These even include a complimentary white wine tasting! It’s a bit far out of the city center so your best bet is renting a car or joining a excursion if you want to visit. Click here to get directions.

11. Besøk Johnny Cash Museum

After that interesting look into the history of Nashville, let’s get back to the music. one of the top things to do in Nashville is checking out the Johnny cash Museum.

To say that Johnny cash is a legend is an understatement. one of the best-selling artists of all time, he was inducted into three different music halls of fame! here you’ll find a huge collection of memorabilia and artifacts to get the whole life story of “The man in Black.”

The museum is open daily f

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